"we are bound to collide with each other"
So, to those of you who reeeally know me, you know how important last night was for me. And by that I mean: Oscar! Yes, that is one of the highlights of my year, along with the first episode of the 1001 series that i follow. But, as I am here in Finland, in a dorm, etc etc, I don't really have a tv. So, I had to HEAR the Oscars (God bless the internet) and count on the assistance of Giu (thaaank) and my lovely mother for more instant details. And well, the Oscars were pretty fair, for a change. Capote for actor (jesus christ, it was a scary thing to see, how an actor can become the person he is playing. and on this case... just "jesus christ"), June Carter for actress, Tess as supporting actress, only one of the many more awards (or at least nominations) that The Constant Gardner deserved. And the "upset" of the night: Crash for best movie.
Crash is by a looong, looong distance, a better movie than Brokeback Mountain, and I don't care how politically incorrect that seems to be right now. Brokeback deserved an award for the directing, which is really good, and they got that award, along with 2 others. But, in my opinion, it didn't deserve best movie. Why does the damn movie has to win every award it was nominated for, just because it deals with homossexuality? Why does it seem to be wrong to criticize the movie now? No, it isn't thaaaat good. Crash is. And Crash isn't about sunshine and flowers, it isn't an easy movie to watch. And still, today, half of the news I read said how clear it was that Hollywood didn't strip itself from the prejudices against gays (which is quite funny, since a lot of people involved in that industry are in fact gay), and instead gave the big award to the less polemic movie. COME ON!! No, that's what is not fair. That people feel free to overlook such a great movie, original, creative, and about an important issue as well, just to raise the flag of "i am free of prejudice and accept gay people". When did "free of prejudice" become equal to free of critic sense? Or was it... ahhh... yes... patriotism is the same, right? Patriotism and no criticizing.... Ok, no political piece. And no political incorrectness here.... So, "upset of the night"? "Hollywood puts gays back in the closet"? Yes, ok, fine.
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