Sunday, April 30, 2006

Easter week in spring and Italy

hello people!! i know, i haven't written in a while, sorry for those who actually read this, but I've been too busy and too lazy in this past week in helsinki, one of mylast here.....
But anyway, Italy was just perfect. Too much to tell, so I'll just mention how beautiful spring is there, with the birds and the bees (fine, I hate the bees, but you get my point here), and a loooot of flowers everywhere. We rented a car, so we travelled quite a bit: Bergamo, Lugano, Genova, and a bunch of other little cities near - and not so near - Milan. And of course, Milan itself. Milan is not sooooo very nice, it is big and veeery unorganized. And I come from Sao Paulo, so for me to say that that's not organized, please, imagine it. But it's a nice city, great shops and friendly people. Well, kind of. But the little cities were just great. Perfect, looking like something out of a fairytale story. A lot of churches, old buildings and nice cafés.
And after a week of sunshine and 22 degrees, i came back to Helsinki only to find more sunshine! But I'll post more about Helsinki later - and about how absurd it is on the street this weekend.
So, that is a very quick summary of Italy. I left a lot out - but then again, who really needs all the details? Another beautiful country, nice, niiice food (especially the day my brother and his roomate cooked for me), some sunshine for me (thank God, since I'm becoming transparent by now), shopping (shoes, shoes and shoes), and of cooourse, my mom (and stepfather and brother, let's be fair)!!! It was much, much better than anything I could have hoped for. And my mother did bring me easter eggs from home!!! And that was Italy, more or less.
Well dears, see you later then.



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