Monday, May 08, 2006

One of the best

Hello people! So, back from almost the last trip.... and working like hell now in Helsinki. But anyway let's talk about the trip, which was amazing. First of all, dutch people are very, very friendly. It's quite impressive actually, having been in Finland this long, and to go from here to somewhere where people will smile at you on the street, and talk to you, a lot. They can be a bit too friendly at times, but anyway, it was a nice change. And 25 degrees is something that is just priceless. And of course, pleasant company and a nice view never hamed anybody....
Amsterdam is a very, very strange city. It is great, but it's not something I can explain, really. It's different from the other cities I have seen, and you have all the nice and cute boats, and nice terraces. And then, you have the red light district and the constant smell of pot. It's very interesting, and I just loved it! And one advice: if in Amsterdam, go to a sex museum. It's absurd, and somewhat disgusting, but quite funny.
And on Saturday night, after lying in the sun for a good half an hour, Sarah, Nils and Lotte dropped us (us being Chris and me) off in Utretch - aka the city I cannot pronounce and will never be able to pronounce. And it is one of the cutest cities I've seen, with a lot of cafes, and rivers as well, and just a nice atmosphere of a student city (night-life included, with some nice bars playing straaange music. But cheap drinks, which is impossible to get in Helsinki). And sunshine... and bikes. A lot of bikes. And i was actually ON a bike, which is a first time for me - and I did not fall, impressively enough. Ok, fine, I wasn't exactly peddaling the bike, but anyway, it doesn't matter. I went across the city in a bike, and didn't break anything!
But well, I think this is it for now. I don't really know what more to write about it, I really had a great time, it was great seeing people again! And now my dears, it's time for me to go...
ps: in the pictures you have Utretch, us "exploring" the sex museum, the damn bikes and Chris being absurdly dutch with the cheese.


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