Tuesday, July 18, 2006


"Fiz de mim o que não soube
E o que podia fazer de mim não o fiz.
O dominó que vesti era errado.

Conheceram-me logo por quem não era e não desmenti, e perdi-me.
Quando quis tirar a máscara,
Estava pegada à cara.
Quando a tirei e me vi ao espelho,
Já tinha envelhecido.
Estava bêbado, já não sabia vestir o dominó que não tinha tirado. Deitei fora a máscara e dormi no vestiário
Como um cão tolerado pela gerência
Por ser inofensivo
E vou escrever esta história para provar que sou sublime.
Essência musical dos meus versos inúteis,
Quem me dera encontrar-te como coisa que eu fizesse,
E não ficasse sempre defronte da Tabacaria de defronte,
Calcando aos pés a consciência de estar existindo,
Como um tapete em que um bêbado tropeça
Ou um capacho que os ciganos roubaram e não valia nada"

"I made of myself what I did not know how,
And what I could have made of myself I failed to do.
The domino costume that I wore was all wrong
And I was immediately recognized as someone I was not and I did not deny it, and I was lost. When I tried to take off the mask,
It was stuck to my face.
When I
took it off and looked myself in the mirror,
I had already grown old.
I was drunk, and I no longer knew how to put on the costume that I had not taken off.
I threw the mask away and slept in the dressing room
Like a dog tolerated by the management
Because it is harmless.
And I am going to write this story to prove that I am sublime
Musical essence of my useless verses,
If only I could face you as something I had made
Instead of always facing the Tobacco Shop across the street,
Treading at my feet the consciousness of existing,
Like a rug a drunkard stumbles on
Or a doormat stolen by gypsies and not worth a thing.".

To balance off the football, a bit of literature. Tabacaria - or The Tobacco Shop. One of the best poems of one of the best poets, Fernando Pessoa. It's just a small piece of a poem that is almost six pages long - if you have the chance to read it full, do so. And if one person goes looking for it after seeing it here, I'll be as happy as I can be. It is important, and it is as beautiful as it is sad. If you can look for it, do so. And Enjoy.


At 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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