Dr. 90210
One of the top concerns for women today is how to lose weight. The subject almost haunts you everywhere you go. Everybody wants to be perfect - and perfect today means, mostly eating 3 almonds a day. I, as most of you know, am no exception to this rule. But I found a very good way to lose weight. Just watch Dr. 90210, which airs on E! entretainment television (surprise, surprise). 

The show is so absurdly gross it's unbelievable. Last night, they operated on a very, very fat girl. She was young and had a beautiful face, but she was fat - and she wanted to be thin. Now, I understand that. I think she should have lost more weight before going into surgery, but fine, none of my business. But they show you every damn inch of the operation. It's quite disgusting. The doctor takes her nipple out to put the breast implants on, and then he is just punching the implant and the fat tissue into her breasts again. Can you get an idea here? And then what does he do? He goes on and starts liposuction on her belly, and he takes away to strips of skin that are bigger than most small dogs, one from each side of her back. Her love handles, if you prefer that expression. But seriously, the amount of skin he takes off of her is just absurd. It's comparable to a blanket.
Again, I am not the skinniest person on earth - or skinny at all, for that matter - but this is just too much. I promise you, if you see that surgery without closing your eyes, looking at aaall the little details, all the skin, all the fat tissue that remained in her, you won't want to eat anymore. Not even the 3 almonds a day.
And just to add up to the fun, that girl's sister was presented by their mother with breast implants that same week. As a present for her 17th birthday (please insert any comment on that here, because I just don't know what to say about it).
Either everyone is mad or I am.
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