Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hello Sunshine

In the trailer, you think "oh, this will be a cute movie". But really, you have no idea how good it is until it starts. "Little Miss Sunshine" starts being funny even before they get into what could be loosely described as an old van. And with "old" I mean old as in almost giving up sort of car.
The family of Olive, that lovely little girl in the picture is well, unusual, as is the little girl, in a very very cute way. I really don't wanna say much about the movie, because I wish I hadn't known all about the family before I saw it. The absurd that sets in 5 minutes into the movie is so embarassing you just laugh, but since I was already expecting most of those dialogues, it wasn't sooo funny. Still great, but no surprise. Well, just to give you the basics, they are going to take her to a beauty contest - that very, veeery weird thing that I have only seen in the US, and that, honestly, creeps me out. Little girls dressed and acting like grown up women - and generally, slutty women. Why, whyyyy would you do that to a child? YOUR child?
Anyway, it's just horrible in that sense. But, like I said, the family is unusual, so everything on the way to the pageant follows along those lines.
And the whole movie goes on like that. There were times I was so, so embarassed for them I just didn't want to look anymore. And it is much sadder than I thought - all the reviews I saw about it were all about happiness and sunshine and on and on- so the sad moments caught me by surprise. But indeed, what prevails in the movie is the general feeling of happiness. You kind of leave the cinema with a warm heart, you know what I mean? It is just... sweet. And sad, and different, and simple. And indeed, very cute. And it is one of the best movies I have seen this year.
(by the way, the name of the little girl, in real life, is Abigail. Isn't it just perfect for her??)


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