Monday, December 18, 2006

The Labyrinth

This week, one lovely day after work, I went out with my lovely friends. And we decided to go see Pan's Labyrinth, from Guillermo del Toro. I have actually been to the movies again to watch that, because the movie is just amazing.

It is a very tense, very beautiful and very sad movie. The type of sad that you cry if you are watching it alone. It tells the story of a 9 year old girl (or so on, I am terrible at guessing ages), and she believes in fairies and in magic. She lives in the end of the spanish civil war, and her mother married a man - a general - who is as far from nice as you can get. And they move to the countryside. And then...

Then comes the labyrinth. A magical creature comes to tell her that she is a princess, from a kingdom where there is no death, no pain, no suffering. And from then on it is just the very blunt contrast that comes from that fantasy world she aims to be in against the harshness of the real world, where there is a lot of pain and death and fear, all around her.

Ofelia has to deal with both worlds, and with all the good things and bad things that come from both. She struggles between the magic that awaits her and the violence that surrounds her. It is beautiful the way he tells the story, the way the girl acts it, and the way a Pan (or a Fauno, if you are in Brazil), a magical creature so ancient, so much left in mitology, can teach us so much. Between the little girl and the creature, you will come out of the movie with a lot to think about. Maybe that's more of a labyrinth than the one allegedly in the movie.


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

agora eu fiquei com vontade de ver esse filme ;/
mas graças a minha total falta d capacidade de passar de ano direto eu não vou ve-lo até sair na blockbuster !!!!
saudades d vc pessoa...
muitas coisas pra te contar ;*


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