Monday, December 18, 2006

Ramblings on a perfect weekend

There is nothing like a weekend at the beach with your best friends since third grade to make it all okay.... a weekend at the beach and a 12 hour sleep. Nothing like home cooked strogonoff, brigadeiros and cheap cider. Oh, and enough Coca-Cola to flood a small country. Nothing like ice-creams that you used to eat as a child on the beach still tasting exactly like they did when you were 7 years old and begging any responsible adult to go with you to get one. Nothing like cold salt water on a recently shaved leg for you to feel stupid and bond with those who do the same (sorry, too much information here, perhaps). Nothing like card games until 4:30, no towels to take a shower, and Corinne Bailey, The Beatles and Art Brut in the stereo, not necessarily in that order. Nothing like watching the Olsen twins when they were 9 months old in "Full House" with people you know used watched it when you were all young, and then just falling asleep in the living room couch. Nothing like making a good, good friend smile with something as simple as a Christmas tree. Nothing like old friends you still know and love.

the pictures are old and not from that weekend, since nobody remembered the camera - and that weekend was like 2 weeks a go - but still worth posting about. Girls, sorry about the no-warning before posting the pictures. I was gonna post them anyway..... hehe... beeeeeijos


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Realmente, não existe nada melhor do que amizades verdadeiras xD

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Sarita said...

biiiiiiiiig christmas hug!!

enjoy the holidayfeeling at the beach :-).

Sarah (smooch)

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the delay... It's been ages, but I still have the same pleasure reading your blog. For this post all I have to say is that there's nothing like spending sometime with you guys. And I really mean it. As I usually say, having a solid piece of earth to come to is really something at our age, isn't it?
And it's even better when it comes with all this small pleasures! Love yah!


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