Saturday, February 24, 2007


ok, this will be as superficial as possible. But what the hell is going on with Britney Spears? My mother told me: "oh, she shaved her head, did you see?". My answer was "mom, come on. that is not true". Little did I know.
3 tries at rehab (maybe she should talk to Amy Winehouse about this), a shaved head that now has her looking like a white supremacist, and her ex-husband suying for full custody of the kids. That is a bad, bad sign. I think it preecedes the apocalipse. And that's just baad. Baaaad, baaad, bad.
When a guy like that (google it if you don't know, because I am putting to many pictures in the post already, all very necessary) has grounds to sue you for custody of your children, something is wrong.
And then, when you think that's all, that the story is as bad as it can get, there she goes again. Attacking a photographer with an umbrella. I would post the video, but you can't see anything in it. But I mean, Jeeesus Christ!!!!!!!! What is doing?????? I always thought she was a bit crazy, but this is just too much. She is giving Anna Nicole Smith a run for her money. And that's saying a lot.


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