The fight against mediocrity
So, this is a bit old news, but it I read Sarkozy's "last words", which he sent to a "Le Figaro" the day before the election, on their request. And it is very, very good. Very conservative and right winged, but so clear, so honest - so absurdly eloquent and explicit on his ideas. I don't know much about Sarkozy, but I think his words are worth posting. Even if you may not agree with them.
This is the end of a cycle which started with May 68, when it was proclaimed that there were no more rules, no more standards, no more morals, no more courtesy, that all was worth, that there was no more hierarchy of the values, no more difference between what is good and what is bad, between what is big and what is mediocre, that all was right, that nothing is deserved.
I want to build France which will have broken with this heritage. The idea of France for which I fight, it is France where the values of respect, authority, merit are with the honor. This campaign is about a true ideological choice. A choice which goes well beyond the usual choice between the right and the left. In finishing with the heritage of May 68, it is perhaps the only true choice of company which we have to make so much the values, the principles of 68 impregnated the company, the manners of thinking, the behaviors. In fact the choice conditions all the others. Or we will have laxism, or we will have a morals based on our universal values. Or we will have the assistantship, the 35 hours, the devalorization of work, or we will have the reward of the merit, the incentive with the effort, the respect of work and the entrepreneurship. Or we will have the multiplication of the rights, or we will offer to all those which are ready to want something for themselves the means of carrying out their dreams, their ambitions, their projects. Or we will continue to work less and we will be locked up in a company of shortage, or we will work more and we will have more richnesses to divide us, more means to devote to our social protection, with our retirements. It is the moment or never to break with political practices and practices of thought. France cannot wait any more, it is necessary for us to decide to choose between two social models, between two systems of values, two cultures. If you want it, all can become possible, as for the men of the Renaissance, as those of the Lumières or the Thirty Glorious ones. It is enough for us to want it. It is enough for us to include/understand the nature of the choice well and to take our responsabilities vis-a-vis so that we want for ourselves, for our children, for our country. But this rupture with the system of thought, education, the policy that the ideology of 68 generated, it will not be done all alone. I will not do it all alone. It is with you to make it possible. So that this change is achieved, I need you.
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