Monday, May 07, 2007

Notes from the Underground

Why do we build sand castles just to destroy them later? Why would you build yourself up for something and shoot it down yourself? Why suffer like that?

"Mas é exatamente neste frígido e repugnante semidesepero, nesta semicrença, neste consciente enterrar-se vivo, por aflição, no subsolo, por 40 anos; nesta situação intransponível criada com esforço e, apesar de tudo, um tanto duvidosa, em toda esta peçonha dos desejos insatisfeitos que penetraram no interior do ser; em toda esta febre das vacilacoes, das decisoes tomadas para sempre e dos arrependimentos que tornam a surgir um instante depois, em tudo isto e que consiste o sumo daquele estranho prazer de que falei.".

I cannot translate this if my life depended on it. He talks of how the suffering is all caused by you and you alone, and this pain you create for yourself provokes a pleasure that is indescribible. He speaks, later on, of imagination, self pity, loathe and how this pain is only to annoy himself and others, since they know he is not in so much pain, and still complains. There is no good in it, and still he lingers in it. He and all of us, at some time. Why suffer? Because the alternative is boredom, and that is too dull.

No, I am fine. And yes, perhaps I should read a lighter book. But this is, without a doubt, the best thing I ever read in my life. In the back cover, one author describes it as "the voice of blood - how to call it any other name?"

Book is Dostoievski, Notes from the Underground. If you are not depressed, read it. Otherwise... maybe read it anyway. It is too good to miss.



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