Monday, March 26, 2007

2 movies

ok, now i remembered something!!! I saw 2 movies that deserve a comment. Dreamgirls and Notes on a Scandal.
So, first things first: Dreamgirls is one of the worse movies I have seen in a long long time, and I mean that. It´s just... awful. Embarassing. They just break into song, and you just wanna crawl under the chair. Beyonce is not so bad, but now I am officially against Jennifer Hudson winning all the awards. Little miss sunshine deserved it sooo much more.

And now, Notes on a Scandal. I didn´t think that movie would be all that interesting, to be perfectly honest; and then, 2 minutes into the movie, Judi Dench (who is a history teacher) says: "teaching the future plumbers of the nation". Come on, after a line like that, you have to pay attention to the movie. And it is worth it. Judi Dench is mean, dissimulated, her eyes seeing every opportunity to attack and take advantage of the situation. Amazing. And Cate Blanchett in all her innocence, all her complete lack of sense; she is so silly and naive you wanna hit her in the face and say "stop!!! what the hell are you doing!!??". The movie is filled with dark thoughts and raw emotion, and the performances are great. And you can expect many many lines like " the future plumbers of our nation", the movie is filled with them.

Summary: Notes on a Scandal is this very british, very smart and intelligent movie, with great lines and great artists. And Dreamgirls is a huge american production, filled with empty songs and superficial performances, and a lot of screaming.Need I say anything more?


the quietness

I know, I know, it´s shameful the way I neglected this blog, I know. I have more stuff to do than time allows, and I just can´t type anymore after 10 hours doing that. I just can´t.
Now that I have justified myself, how is everything? Suddenly, I can´t think of anything important that happened in this world the past month. I forgot the birthday of one of my best friends, and he still hasn´t really forgiven me much for that. I haven´t watched any movies that are really worth mentioning, at least none I can think of right now. Nobody else died, Britney is still in rehab... ah, the quietness can be just lovely sometimes, no?