Thursday, September 13, 2007


Let's just use the insomnia - or the burden of our minds, are some say =) - in our advantage, and upload some pictures of the last looovely trip: Cologne - Koblenz. It was waaay too short and way too busy, but it was all worth it. Worked too much for my taste, but met people I loved to meet, spent some little time with people who I love to spend time with, and who have been absent and missed for a while.

(I promise I will visit next time, or at least we will arrange to meet somewhere halfway. It is ridiculous being this close to some of you and not seeing you at all! hopefully the next trip will be soon, and a bit longer for tourism-time).
beijos, queridos

(quick photo tour: cologne's cathedral, koblenz and the German corner, leo being spontaneous and quick view of düsseldorf)

Hope and Shame

If you are in Brazil, you know what this is about. In case you are not and still care enough to read: this lovely man on the left is the president of the Senate, who was being accused, among other things, of using money from a lobbyist to pay for the child support of his illegitimate child (and the mother of that child made this public, and broke all hell loose in the political world. And then, what did she do? Pose for Playboy magazine, of course).
There is evidence corroborating this arrangement between them, and also evidence of 3 or 4 other wrongdoings of his. He refused to resign from his position, overseeing the entire process being built against him, and still in command of the Senators who judged him today. He cried and said he was being mistreated, and made up the most absurd stories to show that he had the money to pay her (he was suddenly a cow breeder, selling meat to inexistent people at an exorbitant price, with checks and receipts that had been made up in the wrong date - "I just got the date wrong while filling it in! It doesn't mean it is a fraud!!"). And well, there is a lot more, but let's just say it doesn't really get better.
Today he was judged by his peers - his subordinates, in fact - on whether he would lose his mandate or remain as president of the Senate. And, against my tiny string of hope, he was absolved. He is still the president of the Senate, of the institution that represents the people of this country (although the vote was secret, so we can't really know if the Senator who represents us voted for or against him, in another lovely detail of the case).
And it is moments like these that make me ashamed of living in this country. Not just that the people who make our laws are hitting themselves in the hallway of the Senate. But nothing works, no one cares, no one bothers to even appear to be honest or to be doing the right thing. They don't even pretend anymore. The "Brazilian way" of getting things done will drown us all.
Sorry for the long, "complainy" and political post. but I'm just... "so sick, so sick of it all". Maybe I should just let go of that tiny string of hope that always follows me around.....
Para os que podem, leiam o artigo do Hélio Schwartsman na Folha online, muito mais eloqüente do que eu:

Pure, simple gossip

And well... after a few months of not posting, a lot has happened in my favourite part of the world: Amy said no, no no, but still got pushed into rehab (after this lovely scene with her husband, which also involved knives, heroin and a hooker, according to her), Lindsay Lohan is again in rehab, Brangelina hasn't yet adopted another child (and Jennifer Aniston is still single), Nicole Richie is pregnant and Paris Hilton has started her new post-prison life debuting a haircut (but not a grip, as we all knew). And then there is the talk of the day in the gossip world: Britney. I will forget the past headlines (child abuse, drunk & naked in the pool - with photographers around, always -, weird, weeeird clothes, more pets and children and so much more) because I can't really keep up anymore. However, you can't escape her last stunt: the VMA's.
You know, I will just forget that the song is appalling and that she is a bit fat (I would probably still prefer her body over mine, but then again, i would never be on a stage wearing that with that body - or whatever body, but anyway), and that the wig was, well, bad. Too blond and wig-like. Let's just focus on the performance: what the hell was that? Is she stoned, is she in a bad mood? What was she doing??? Not singing, not dancing, not moving until the dancers tell her to, not lip-synching, not looking at the cameras... and a lovely job from the cameramen as well, trying to distract us from her performance and showing the artists in the audience absolutely mesmerized by Brit's comeback- in the worst possible way. So, she is back. Let's just wait and see what she does next.

Quem é vivo....

Hey, I'm back. So, shall we start with the comments??