(better than fine)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
1 - Did Are
2 - Car Full
4 - Who One
5 - When Mear Son
6 - Who Bear To Car Loss
7 - Add Dream An No
8 - Car Car
9 - Who Now Do (Few Now Mem No )
10 - Who Now Dream You Gay You Show
11 - Zero Bear To
12 - Who Jerry Scene
14 - Crisis
15 - Lowis On
16 - G You Bear To
17 - June In You
18 - Mean Arrow
19 - G You Bear To Silver
20 - Rich Are Dream You
21 - Fried
22 - July Seissor
23 - Who Bean You
Coach :Car Loss All Beer To Pair Here A
(before you say so: a lot of posts about the worldcup, i noticed it too. but i can't help it!!! I have to hear about it for 16 hours a day or so, so it reflects on the blog. Sorry. I will stop soon. Promise).
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hey, handsome.....

But anyway, the point of this post. Zidane. I know, pathetic, and if they beat Brazil I'll just kill myself for doing it, but anyway, Zidane, 34 years old, 1,85m. Looking not as mean as he usually does, but still, worth posting it. And why? Because sometimes.... it's just nice to look at such a beautiful thing.
And let's wish him a happy retirement after the game with Brazil..........
Sunday, June 25, 2006
No happy endings

So now, movie number 2, my favourite in a loong while. Now a totally french production, "5x2".
It is the story of a couple, from beginning to end. Or better yet, from end to beginning. The title refers to the 5 moments in their lives: the beginning of the relationship, the wedding, the birth of their first child, a party at their home and their divorce. There is nothing special about the story in itself, I know. But there are 2 things that change that: the acting - which is just amazing, but i'll skip that-, and the way it is told. Did you see "Memento"? Same prupose, but a lot less confusion.

So, the beginning of their story for us is their divorce. And seeing a couple fall in love and get married remembering how painful their ending was, how much sorrow there is left and how the dream of the relationship just disappeared.... it is just... well, I hate saying "heartbreaking" again, but sometimes, that is all there is. The movie gives us a shot of the future, and then starts explaining the past, showing that relationships are... well, they just are. The moments are supposed to be the most important ones in their story because they would mostly be beautiful bonding moments that show us happy moments. But in fact, the moments are also the ones that lead to their de-construction.

But the movie is just painful, for lack of a better word. The divorce scene is cruel and cold, and their beginning is spontaneous. You leave the cinema with a bittersweet sadness, because the last thing you saw was a beautiful beginning, but all you remember is their horrible ending, where not only all that they built for years is gone, but the people are just shadows of what they were. It is such a sad movie, although it has a "happy beginning", as I read in one review.
Can our history outshine our horrible ending? For me, leaving the cinema, no, it couldn't. Googling for this last picture, the only image I have in my mind of the movie is her closing the door and leaving him. So, 5x2. Sad, sweet, beautiful, complex and amazing. Or in other words: just what relationships are.
pics: http://www.edmontonfilmfest.com/films/film_images/l
Friday, June 23, 2006
É uma partida de futebol

and since I am already here, writing.... one more.
I am not calling victory ahead of time, but after the post I wrote yesterday about the Brazilian soccer team, and they played today, I feel like I have to comment on the game of today. Yes, me, the expert, commenting the soccer match. I know. But in the month of the Worldcup, everyone in Brazil suddenly understands soccer."He should cut Ronaldo off the team!!" - "no, he should take Adriano off the team and put Robinho!" - "no, he has to make Ronaldinho play more in the offense!!!". 180 million coaches.
The game today was beautiful. Just beautiful. The funny thing is, almost half of the team was "new". 5 players that normally stay on the bench started the match, and what gave us was just a show. I have no idea how the coach is going to explain this, that the game works better as the team was today than it has worked with the main stars playing. And we have to see if he has the guts to keep the best team on. The first goal was from Japan, which was horrible, it almost gave us all heart attacks. But the game was so beautiful (I really can't find another word, hence the very repetitive text) that we didn't care that much for it. That's exactly what I wanted!!!! What we all wanted I think. In the end, there were a lot of goals (4x1). But more than that, we enjoyed watching the match. Fine, we get angry if they are trying to do something to fancy and miss the ball, but still, the game was so much more pleasant to watch, it just felt so much more like the thing you would expect from Brazil.
So, this is just a post to say some of my wishes in the post from yesterday were granted. I still wanna see Robinho score a goal - poor kid, he's clearly so desperate to prove he is good and stay in the main group, the one that starts playing. You can see how much he wants to be good in his eyes, in how much he runs after every ball that is remotely close to him.
I am not calling victory ahead of time, but after the post I wrote yesterday about the Brazilian soccer team, and they played today, I feel like I have to comment on the game of today. Yes, me, the expert, commenting the soccer match. I know. But in the month of the Worldcup, everyone in Brazil suddenly understands soccer."He should cut Ronaldo off the team!!" - "no, he should take Adriano off the team and put Robinho!" - "no, he has to make Ronaldinho play more in the offense!!!". 180 million coaches.
The game today was beautiful. Just beautiful. The funny thing is, almost half of the team was "new". 5 players that normally stay on the bench started the match, and what gave us was just a show. I have no idea how the coach is going to explain this, that the game works better as the team was today than it has worked with the main stars playing. And we have to see if he has the guts to keep the best team on. The first goal was from Japan, which was horrible, it almost gave us all heart attacks. But the game was so beautiful (I really can't find another word, hence the very repetitive text) that we didn't care that much for it. That's exactly what I wanted!!!! What we all wanted I think. In the end, there were a lot of goals (4x1). But more than that, we enjoyed watching the match. Fine, we get angry if they are trying to do something to fancy and miss the ball, but still, the game was so much more pleasant to watch, it just felt so much more like the thing you would expect from Brazil.
So, this is just a post to say some of my wishes in the post from yesterday were granted. I still wanna see Robinho score a goal - poor kid, he's clearly so desperate to prove he is good and stay in the main group, the one that starts playing. You can see how much he wants to be good in his eyes, in how much he runs after every ball that is remotely close to him.
Brazil still has a lot of games to face. Gana is next. I just hope their will to win doesn't beat ours..... But in the end, they did today what we were all waiting for: jogaram bonito. gave us a nice show to watch and blab about until next tuesday.... and pray we can see a few more games like these in this worldcup...
Superficial? Meeee???

ok, this is the most useless post I have ever written, as you have probably already guessed from the pictures. The post is mostly because of the pictures, so merely describing them is enough. First, we have Mischa Barton, a gorgeous girl with noooo acting ability and that will soon turn into her mother (who is right next to her in the pic, and scared the hell out of me). Guys should aaaalways look at the girl's mother: it's a glimpse of the future. No offense to Ms. Barton, but if that's Marissa's future... it's a good thing she is not in the OC anymore.
And second pic, Victoria Beckham. That is something I will never understand. Please notice that her purse has more fabric than her entire outfit. Nice shoes, but really, who goes out dressed like that? And why is Beckham married to that? Why? Fine, she is thin, I understand the point. But I mean, come ooon!!! Just look at the damn woman, if you can find her face behind the huge sunglasses, you'll probably get my point.
So there you go, mission accomplished. The most useless post yet.
ps: pics from the People website and The Superficial. Obviously
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Being in Brazil and ignoring the worldcup is just not possible. It is something extreeemely important in Brazil. And by that i just mean, it is the event we all wait for, and we dump all our patriotic feelings and hopes into the soccer players. And with that, we have a lot of very useless news about the players, that occupy a lot of the media space - it is our only focus, the only news we want to hear at night. The 10 correspondents in Germany telling us what the players ate, listened to on their i-pods, how much they ran, how much weight they have lost. There are some funny stories: like getting them and the reporters to pronoune the name of the city they are in (which noooo one could do, so they stopped a german police officer and asked. I understand their difficulty). But you also get a loooot of crap, like a diagram showing us the anatomy of a blister (Ronaldo had blisters. Ronaldo sneezes it becomes news).
The games so far have been mediocre. Not just Brazil's games - which yes, I have to say, have been from not so good to just sad (especially Ronaldo. Poor guy. But he has been playing horribly). Too few goals, the "magic" of the Brazillian team is yet to appear. Some foreign reporters in Brazil write "but you won!!! you should be happy". yes, true, we did win. But it was mediocre. And when you can be great, and you know you can be great, being happy for being mediocre doesn't make sense. It's just settling for something because you are too afraid or too lazy to be better, to try and achieve what you can. The fall may be bigger, but the joy is as well. So, still waiting for Brazil's big game, let's hope it comes soon.
The games so far have been mediocre. Not just Brazil's games - which yes, I have to say, have been from not so good to just sad (especially Ronaldo. Poor guy. But he has been playing horribly). Too few goals, the "magic" of the Brazillian team is yet to appear. Some foreign reporters in Brazil write "but you won!!! you should be happy". yes, true, we did win. But it was mediocre. And when you can be great, and you know you can be great, being happy for being mediocre doesn't make sense. It's just settling for something because you are too afraid or too lazy to be better, to try and achieve what you can. The fall may be bigger, but the joy is as well. So, still waiting for Brazil's big game, let's hope it comes soon.
But, continuing: the games have been ok. Of the games I saw, the exception was England x Sweden, which was fantastic. The only ugly thing about that game was Owen's injury (pooor guy!!), and Rooney's little girl tantrum when he was replaced, which was just ridiculous. (and just to make it clear: I will not mention Argentina here, under any circumstance. I don't care how much was the game. They are Argentina, and they have Maradona screaming on the stands. I will just ignore their games, since this is still my blog).
But anyway, we still hope Ronaldo will catch up and lose some weight, and that Ronaldinho will make a lot of goals, that Adriano will prove the italians wrong and that Robinho can show
us how good he can be, because we have seen him do it. And of course, we hope that we will win. It is more than hope actually, it is belief and faith. And I still believe. I believe simply because it would be so horrible if we lost, the hope of so many people would just be crushed, that it is too sad to happen. It just can't. They are so good!!! They just have to try a bit more, and not just try to win and go through to the next round, they have to really play. ''Joga Bonito'', as nike says. And besides, losing to Germany or Argentina is just not possible. So, go Brazil!!!!! We believe.
But anyway, we still hope Ronaldo will catch up and lose some weight, and that Ronaldinho will make a lot of goals, that Adriano will prove the italians wrong and that Robinho can show

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
just... stuff
oh god!!! I can't believe it has been more than a month!!!! But so it has been, and a lot has happened - brad pitt's baby was born, the da vinci code was released, the worl cup started, and so on and on. And since my insomnia still will not leave me alone, today there will be a few posts, concerning some of those veeery important issues in the world we live in.
Most importantly, I am back home, with my friends, my bed, my car, my doooooog! Coming home was not traumatic, shocking or bad. I won't say I don't miss Helsinki and that horrible weather, because I do. It was a great time of my life, and I will never forget it. But like I said, having somebody doing you laundry is priceless. It really is.
The highlights of me being home are my things (yes, I am veery possessive, I know, but well, who really cares), my renewed addiction to my television series, my lovely friends taking me out to new "cool" places, and always making sure I get back home somehow, and of coooourse, the world cup. But more about the worldcup in post number 2!
Ok dears, post one is done. I guess by now you have figured what the blog will be about. Useless texts about whatever I feel like writing in that moment is a good definition. The pictures will be very few now: even because I don't really carry the camera around to bother my friends with it. Some non-googled random shots of something soon, I promise. But this one is really just... stuff. And I refuse to take a picture of my newly done laundry to illustrate this post.