The white city
ok, spring started in march, right? birds, and flowers, and sun, right? wrong. or now, wrong. it was like that last week, including flowers (ok, not a lot of them, but flowers anyway). but noooooo.... not in Helsinki. It has been snowing/ raining for two days now. And let me tell you something about snow: it's not all nice, and fluffy and romantic. Or it is, if you stay inside, or if it's cold enough. But now, it's around 0 degrees, so, the snow melts! and then, there is mud. Cold and watery mud. And everywhere. So, there is a view from Helsinki, the white church near the University building, in the senate square (senate square? yes, maybe the senate square). Just to illustrate my situation here, in the middle of march, still kind of buried in snow.
minor nervous breakdown
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?????????????? whyyyyyyy does the damn computer keep turning off???? whyyyy?? aaaaaaarrgggghhhh!!!!!!! heeeeelp me!!!! i just hate technology sometimes. again.
Denmark and the (very) Little Mermaid
Sooo... back again. Denmark was great!!!
Every city I visit I just think: I wanna live here!!! So far, i think Stockholm wins, but Copenhagen is just so beautiful.... and of course, they have the little mermaid, which is a great advantage. But anyway, moving on from that and into the trip itself.
We got there on thursday night, and went to our hotel, that was about...2 minutes from the central station, right in the beginning of the red light district (booking on the internet has its problems). But the hotel was good, tv again (yeeeey!!), and a nice bathroom. Still trusting the internet for hotels (except for prague - i haven't posted that yet, but you'll see). On Friday we went for a walk of the city, and that was veery nice, the city is more alive than Stockholm - just seems like most of the people live there, and in Stockholm I had the impression of turists everywhere. We eventually found the shopping street - which is baaaaad. But no shopping, just staring and drooling. Some street musicians, a lot of bikes and a lot of people. Sunshine and wind. Then back to the hotel for some rest and of course, tv.
Next day we met Katrine and went to 2 perfect little cafes, one that looked just like a living room with a very, very confused american waiter. It's great if you know where to go.... and then, on a boat tour! Apart from the annoying loud spanish people, that was great as well. And at night... a smoky smoky bar to say goodbye... but great trip, no drunk finns on the plane - just 5 babies. No, I'm not kidding. 5 babies!!!! how can that be??? I had babies in the seat in front of me, behind me, and across the aisle (none next to me, thank god, I travelled with 3 seats to myself. Of course, that only happens in short flights, but ok, let's not complain). And dear God, thank you for the automatic check in stations!!! We saved at least 40 minutes of our time with that, and avoided impolite airport staff and annoying chinese tourists. The little things in life, you see... and ok, enough. I just realized I told every little detail of the trip. sorry. But I'm avoiding starting on homework, so.... I tend to babble. Sorry.
ps: and you guessed again! nooo pictures of me in Denmark. This time I really don't have any, I'll try to find one and post it later, depending on how bad it is.
Sweden, sweet Sweden
So, last weekend, Stockholm. I'll post it now before the trips pile up even more (yes, i know, Prague and Barcelona, I know. I'll post the pictures, but I need more time to write about it. I know, i'm sorry, but soon, I promise).
Stockholm is great. Unfortunately for me, it's better than Helsinki. Oh well.... but anyway, let's just pretend is not true. First day the weather wasn't great, but was duable. Peeerfect hostel (cable tv, hot clean showers and a bed more comfortable than mine - what more can you need?), food was good (too much chocolate, as you can imagine from the picture), some sightseeing. On sunday the weather was great, sunny and not so cold, and more places to see, including the Vasaa (one of the most stupid stories I've heard, but very interesting - they built a ship very carefully, for it to be the best in Europe, and spent a looot of money and time in it and it... sank. Before it even sailed. Great, no?). Then, to some hours in the station (swedish drunk people), and to the airport again (with finnish drunk people!).
All in all, trip was amazing. Weather was cooperative, food and housing was good, city is beautiful and company was great! (again, too many similarities with someone I haven't known for that long, but great company anyway! nothing like somebody that can finish your sentences...). And tomorrow, Denmark awaits..
ps: before you say anything - yes, I did go to stockholm, but I just don't have a nice picture of me in Stockholm. Maybe Isabella does - I'm not sure. If she has, I will post it later. But I promise: I was there. But here is Isabella anyway.
water!!! snow!!! aaarghhh!!!
Ahhh!!! Help! My two homes are suffering under the weather.... Sao Paulo and the summer rain (that has extended itself onto the autumm), and Helsinki with the unexpected blizzard (jesus christ, so much snow - and of course, it starts 10 minutes before you have to go out, and it stops 10 minutes after you arrived where you had to). Sorry, no picture of Helsinki and the snow, because I was concentrated on walking without falling down (due to ice) or getting blinded (due to snow that very conveniently goes into your eyes). But well, at least it's just 0 degrees... thats better than -27 I guess. But where is spriiiing???
(credit of the pic: Fernando Donasci / Folha Imagem)
"I will not answer that"
OK, first, an apology. Another post about national politics - which i am sure doesn't exactly appeal to most, even because what the hell do i know about national politics anyway, but i am so frustrated right now that I want to write about it. My country is just ridiculous.So, the marketing chief of Lula is being questioned by the Comission that investigates corruption in the government. Yes, fine. Except that in Brazil we have a lovely law that allows him to answer simply "I will not answer that". And he has been answering that for at least 30 minutes. But he has been on the stand for the past 2 hours, if I'm not mistaken. And understand, this can last aaaaall day long. And all he answers is "i will not answer that". And before he even says that, his veeery polite lawyer says, right next to the microfone, that same lovely sentence 3 times. Try to imagine that, while the question is being asked: you hear the lawyer mocking him on the microphone. And the cell phones of the senators and congressmen rings non stop, I am really hoping for a nice Britney Spears ringtone any minute now!He can say all that because the law states that if the question leads to evidence that might incriminate him, he is not obliged to answer it. Fantastic, isn't it? And please, bear in mind the the amount of money this person stole. Millions and millions of dollars, bank accounts off shore... well, just a lot of money, let's say it like that. But not only he says "no, I will not answer"to questions that would have the value of "do you know ice cream?"(seriously, the question now was "what is the name of your children?"- and he did not answer). He apologizes, and tells us how much he is suffering in not answering.There is a very conservative columnist in a weekly magazine in Brazil, and this week, his article said: "there are some countries that work, and some that don't. ours didn't. it's a shame, but Brazil just doesn't work. and it will never work. this week's events are the symbol of our failure". He said that because two congressmen who were provenly guilty, with real, solid PROOF of guilt - including a confession of one of them, were declared innocent by the congress this week. The total number`is now 5. Why? Yes, exactly, why? My only answer is that: "some countries work, and some don't. And ours, visibly, doesn't". And if the country re-elects Lula this year, as it appears will happen, we all sign on that. "No, we don't wish to be a respectable nation. We don't want to grow and work. We don't want to change. We prefer to be like this, drowning in corruption and lies. No need for more investigations, no more questionings. Let's just play football and go to the beach and pretend it's not true."
kill me now
Please, kill me. I am now looking at the bands confirmed for the 23 000 festivals in Europe, that begin 2 weeks after I am planning to go back home. Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and even one in Sweden. And I'm going back to another continent. But of course, Jack Johnson is going to Brazil. In April. When I'm still here. Great.
Just to explain: Strokes, Babyshambles, Ben Harper, Artic Monkeys, Death Cab For Cutie, Franz Ferdinand, Depeche Mode, She Wants Revenge, Kaiser Chiefs, Placebo, Keane, Anouk, Editors. And, just to stress this: STROKES. And I wanna re-write half of the names in big letters, but I won't. Because it's just sad.
So, "kill me now, because I'm leaving (you) now..."
sorry about the complaining, but come oooooon!!!! Like they say: "life is unfair".
the revenge of the ipod
noooo!!!!! my ipod brokedown on me!!!! and almost crashed my computer in the process.... i just hate technology sometimes.... how can it braaake???!!! crap!
sorry, but i needed to complain. having small panic attacks here alone in a 20 square meters room, its either this or throwing things around.
"we are bound to collide with each other"
So, to those of you who reeeally know me, you know how important last night was for me. And by that I mean: Oscar! Yes, that is one of the highlights of my year, along with the first episode of the 1001 series that i follow. But, as I am here in Finland, in a dorm, etc etc, I don't really have a tv. So, I had to HEAR the Oscars (God bless the internet) and count on the assistance of Giu (thaaank) and my lovely mother for more instant details. And well, the Oscars were pretty fair, for a change. Capote for actor (jesus christ, it was a scary thing to see, how an actor can become the person he is playing. and on this case... just "jesus christ"), June Carter for actress, Tess as supporting actress, only one of the many more awards (or at least nominations) that The Constant Gardner deserved. And the "upset" of the night: Crash for best movie.
Crash is by a looong, looong distance, a better movie than Brokeback Mountain, and I don't care how politically incorrect that seems to be right now. Brokeback deserved an award for the directing, which is really good, and they got that award, along with 2 others. But, in my opinion, it didn't deserve best movie. Why does the damn movie has to win every award it was nominated for, just because it deals with homossexuality? Why does it seem to be wrong to criticize the movie now? No, it isn't thaaaat good. Crash is. And Crash isn't about sunshine and flowers, it isn't an easy movie to watch. And still, today, half of the news I read said how clear it was that Hollywood didn't strip itself from the prejudices against gays (which is quite funny, since a lot of people involved in that industry are in fact gay), and instead gave the big award to the less polemic movie. COME ON!! No, that's what is not fair. That people feel free to overlook such a great movie, original, creative, and about an important issue as well, just to raise the flag of "i am free of prejudice and accept gay people". When did "free of prejudice" become equal to free of critic sense? Or was it... ahhh... yes... patriotism is the same, right? Patriotism and no criticizing.... Ok, no political piece. And no political incorrectness here.... So, "upset of the night"? "Hollywood puts gays back in the closet"? Yes, ok, fine.
A Piada do Dia
"Pesquisa do instituto Ibope a ser divulgada hoje mostra Marta Suplicy (PT) pela primeira vez à frente da disputa pelo governo de São Paulo. A ex-prefeita, derrotada em 2004 ao buscar um segundo mandato na capital, tem 26% das intenções de voto. Em segundo lugar aparece Orestes Quércia (PMDB), com 20%."
Ótimo. Marta como governadora de SP, Lula se reelegendo como presidente e Kassab assumindo a prefeitura. Bom 2006 pra todos os brasileiros, especialmente os paulistanos.
(sorry it's not in english this time, but it's just political issues in Brazil, and me complaining about it. nothing very interesting if you don't actually have to LIVE in the places these people govern)
beijos, saudades de SP... mesmo que nas mãos do Serra, Marta e afins....